Roanoke Neighborhood Advocates: Represent Southeast!
There are currently two vacancies on the Roanoke Neighborhood Advocates (RNA) board. Only one of the seven current members lives in Southeast. Let your network know that another Southeast resident is encouraged to apply so that Southeast Roanoke’s interests are well represented on the board.
Applicants must be a City of Roanoke resident and 18 or older and may apply here:
What RNA members do:
The RNA is a 9-person board appointed by City Council. Members of the RNA serve for three-year terms.
RNA members are expected to attend two or three neighborhood associations' meetings relatively regularly to stay in the loop about what they're doing/what the community concerns are. Most neighborhood associations meet monthly in the evening during the work week.
RNA is also responsible for awarding $42,200 in grant funds to local community groups throughout the year.
RNA has a formal, regular meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. for roughly 90 minutes. In November, the RNA meets twice to vote on the winners of the City's annual neighborhood awards, and RNA members are expected to solicit nominations for the awards and submit nominations themselves.
RNA members also help out with National Night Out (always the first Tuesday in August), and with planning and executing (an) RNA event(s) for neighborhood month in May.